
Archive for 17 January 2014

The Growth of State Power; mass surveillance; and it’s supporters…

17 January 2014 5 comments





Next time there’s a debate on state surveillance on an internet blog or other forum, check out who is supporting more power for governments to spy on us. Have a look at those who parrot the cliche, “nothing to hide, nothing to fear”.

They generally use pseudonyms.




= fs =

Categories: The Body Politic Tags: , ,

The Power of your Vote (part rua)

17 January 2014 1 comment


Russell Brand "I don't vote"



A point for some folk to think about if they are considering scrawling “No Confidence” on their voting paper…

Writing “No Confidence” carries zero weight.

Your ballot will simply be recorded as “spoiled” and categorised in a general “Invalid” category.

There is no such thing as a “No Confidence” category. Politicians will never see your “No Confidence” ballot paper. Neither will the Electoral Commission  keep a tally of “No Confidence votes” to pass on to politicians.

All that will happen is that your ballot is invalid and not counted.

Writing “No Confidence” on your ballot has simply rendered that person invisible and irrelevant  to the democratic process.

That is a self-indulgent luxury which we cannot afford.




Skipping voting is not rebellion its surrender

Above image acknowledgment: Francis Owen



= fs =

The Power of your Vote (part tahi)


Russell Brand "I don't vote"


I watched the Brand video

He’s a passionate man.

Passionate in defending his own style of apathy.

Let me repeat; non-voting will help no one except the 1%. They, and their aspirationist, middle-class, supporters WILL vote.

And things like beneficiary bashing; removing worker’s rights; undermining unions; mining in DoC land; deep sea drilling; selling state assets (again to the 1%); tax cuts for the wealthy; increased GST and user-pays for the poor; more corporate welfare; increasing police powers and state surveillance; weakening environment protection laws;  forcing tenants out of state houses; higher prescription charges; etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc… these will all continue.

Because as sure as the sun rises each morning, the Right Wing understand the power of the vote.

Why do you think you NEVER see right-wingers advocating non-voting?


No surrender

Above image acknowledgment: Francis Owen



= fs =