




G’day & Kia Ora to this,  my Blog on current political, social, economic,  and just plain quirky issues.

Having lived all my life here in New Zealand (and nearly a year spent in Eastern Europe in the 1970s); having lived through Muldoonism in the 1970s and early ’80s; Rogernomics in the late 1980s; National’s “Ruthenasia” in the 1990s; a ‘taste’ of politics-a-la-Winston Peters in the late ’90s;  followed by a period of settled Labour governance in the 2000s; and now a return to National – I think I have witnessed and experienced government of several hues crammed into nearly four decades.

Whether the elected dictatorship under First Past the Post or the complex and messy, directly proportional system of MMP – politics has been interesting; engaging; and entertaining. It has also been cruel; bizarre; and contradictory.

I have seen New Zealand from the naive, closed-economy,  hopeful society of the ’70s – to the still-naive; open-market economy; and somewhat disillusioned society of the late 20th/early 21st century.

I am a social democrat at heart.  That means I view both marxist-leninism and free-market neo-liberalism with equal disdain, as they are the same faces of a very inhuman, inflexible ideology.  There has to be a better way than either extremes, and I think the Scandinavians have it just about right. We could learn a thing or two from our Northern European cuzzies.

I hope you find my scribblings of interest. Feel free to leave a comment – I welcome feedback.  (Anything that is abusive will be consigned to the Waste Bin; the pixels re-cycled; and fed to cyber critters on Facebook’s Farmville…)

I also post the occassional bit of satire – just to lighten the mood a bit. I hope those items bring a smile to you.

Like I said, I consider myself a social democrat – left-of-centre. (Though funnily enough, the things I believe in such as free healthcare and free education were considered mainstream politics not too long ago. My views haven’t changed. Society has.)  So if you have views to the contrary, and can express them fairly well – feel free to share them.

Thank you for visiting. Come again!

Frank Macskasy

Aotearoa-New Zealand
August 2011



Some Posting rules


I’m happy for folks to leave their views on whatthey read here, or to engage in debate with other Contributors. But if you do decide to post a message, here are a few simple guidelines,


  1. I don’t particularly enjoy personal abuse. I prefer issues to be addressed, not personalised put-downs.
  2. If a contributor posts anonymously, please respect that. Any attempt to “out” a person and/or hint at their real identity will not be welcomed. Again, address the issues, not the person.
  3. Please do not post personal/private details of other people. If you have something relevant about a public figure, please contact me first of all. There is a line between information that is in the public interest and gossip.
  4. If you’re a troll or  racist or just plain unpleasant – try another Blog.
  5. Repetition is something that is boring and uses up valuable pixels (no, the Universe is not infinite). If you keep repeating the same point, question, or comments, after a short period you will not be welcome any more.



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  • E-mail addresses are only used by Admin if we need to contact you. This will usually be because of your behavior or other peoples behavior to you on the blog. Sometimes it will be used if we’re really interested in something you wrote.
  • IP’s are only used when looking at moderation and banning.
  • If you are a troll – and a particularly nasty one – the above Policy may not apply to you.



Privacy Policy Specific to Paula Bennett, her cabinet colleagues, staff,  other State Employees, and National/ACT cadres


On this blog it is likely that, from time to time, the authors and commenters will criticise government policy, speeches, and political tactics.

We would like to reassert that this is neither explicit nor implicit consent to release any private information about the authors or commenters that is held by any government agency, minister’s office, local government organisation, political party, or any other person, organisation or agency.

For the purposes of clarification this non-consent includes, but is not limited to, the following information:

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Acknowledgement:  Kiwipolitico Blog




Not keen to leave a post but still want to flick me an email?

Want to send me an idea for a story? Or pics or information?

Or perhaps you’d like to contribute a story yourself?

No probs – here’s the address:


email address jpg


Look forward to hearing from you!



= fs =

  1. Slaven
    14 May 2012 at 9:36 am

    I’ve just discovered your blog. I am a Kiwi who lives in France right now and I am keen to see what is going on in New Zealand. Mostly I fear that Aotearoa is turning very very right wing. What frightens me mostly is that people are going to accept tax cuts for the richest while thinking it is fair to bully students that are unable to return money they had to borrow in hope to get a good education and a job after.
    It is hard to know what exactly is going on. Things are moving to quickly to follow and I am far. So good to discover your blog and see your comments and feelings about things.
    I guess I’ll follow you more.

    • Roz
      24 July 2013 at 4:57 pm

      Slaven – I’d say look around you in Europe to see what the blinkered pursuit of socialism by stealth – through appointed officials and their quiet destruction of democracy throughout Europe has achieved. Should we slide into the dark ages here with a Green-Labour Govt…. that’s what you have to look forward to if you return. Massive youth unemployment & Banks that rob citizens savings to prop up their tumbling economies, increased taxes on the SME’s that form over 80% of NZ biz – and most worrying – the steady rise of Nationalism amongst the disaffected. Your impression that NZ is staunchly right wing is formed from this blog & others, I’d say.
      Opinion polls haven’t moved much (unless yr Labour) and despite the gloom online – the average Kiwi considers how badly the last 4 or so years would’ve been under another govt. Just sayn. Cheers over there

  2. Priss
    24 July 2013 at 7:57 pm

    What a load of crap Roz. You seem to have forgotten that the cause of the European recession was started by the global financial crisis that started in Wall St, USA.

    The only way we’re sliding into the political dark ages is the growing wealth divide between the rich and poor. And wages falling behind Australia. And housing that is more unaffordable with each passing week.

    You righties make me sick. How about you take responsibility for your own political fuck ups and not blame Labour or the Greens who haven’t been in power for FIVE YEARS!

    By the way, you do know that Labour left NZ with nil debt in 2008, right?

    And you do know that your precious Nats have run up a $50 billion dollar borrowed debt? So don’t pull that “socialist destruction” bullshit here. We know it’s crap.

  3. Brigid Sinclair
    20 February 2014 at 9:19 am

    Thank you for your writing Frank. Makes me feel better to know that someone ‘gets it’
    I came here via a google question trying to find out if an inheritance is considered an asset when a sole parent on benefit and if it is seen as an asset, do you know what I am able to do to safeguard the sum from WINZ so that my four sons have an emergency fund? Depositing on a house is one I think, if I can get a mortgage…Im really worried about this. I have brought my boys up solo for the past 12 years having escaped a highly traumatic abusive situation and they are doing well on the whole. They needed me to be focussed on parenting them so I was. Now I am rich in many ways but not at all financially (except this small upcoming inheritance). I need to know what things people do to keep inheritance safe. DO you have any knowledge of this area?

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