
Archive for 15 January 2014

Letter to the Editor: Colin Craig – law-breaker!




FROM:    "f.macskasy" 
SUBJECT: Letter to the ed
DATE:    Wed, 15 Jan 2014 12:56:35 +1300
TO:     "Dominion Post" <> 


The Editor

Wannabe politician, Colin Craig, recently admitted to
hitting his daughter. When asked on Radiolive, on 13
January, he replied,

"I occasionally do it now." 

With the repeal of that part of Section 59, which permitted
adults to use the excuse of "correction"  when faced with
allegations of physical abuse, that kind of behaviour by
parents and guardians became illegal. 

Which begs these questions;

1. How can we have a politician in Parliament, who is sworn
to uphold the laws of the land, admit that he flouts laws
that don't suit his particular beliefs?

2. Why should a person, who also happens to be an aspiring
politician and millionaire, be above the law when the rest
of us  are held to account for infringements both small or

3. How will National reconcile it's "tough on crime" stance
when at the same time they  actively seeks Craig's party as
a potential coalition partner, even though Craig admits to
flouting the law?

It will be intriguing to see John Key's response to this
issue - once he gets back from his latest overseas junket.

-Frank Macskasy
(address & phone number supplied)



Section 59 of the Crimes Act says: –

* Every parent of a child and every person in the place of a parent of the child is justified in using force if the force used is reasonable in the circumstances and is for the purpose of:

– preventing or minimising harm to the child or another person

– preventing the child from engaging or continuing to engage in conduct that amounts to a criminal offence

– preventing the child from engaging or continuing to engage in offensive or disruptive behaviour

– performing the normal daily tasks that are incidental to good care and parenting.

* Nothing in (the above section) or in any rule of common law justifies the use of force for the purpose of correction.

* To avoid doubt, it is affirmed that the police have the discretion not to prosecute complaints against a parent of a child or person in the place of a parent of a child in relation to an offence involving the use of force against a child, where the offence is considered to be so inconsequential that there is no public interest in proceeding with a prosecution.

Source: NZ Herald – Colin Craig: I smack my child



= fs =

March of the Puppies – It’s “moving day” for Wellington’s SPCA! (part rua)

15 January 2014 1 comment

Continued from: March of the Puppies – It’s “moving day” for Wellington’s SPCA!  (part tahi)




NZ, Wellington, 22 December 2013 – On Sunday 22 December, it was moving day for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). A march of puppies, dogs, and their Human companions made the two kilometre journey on foot – and paw – from their previous premises in Adelaide Road, to the old Fever Hospital in Mt Victoria.

Halfway along their journey, the marchers made their way up Constable St, on a fine Wellington summer day,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Meanwhile, in Alexander Road, which runs along part of the Mt Victoria ridge-line, the convoy of SPCA vehicles had arrived and parked on the roadside, outside the Fever Hospital grounds,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


The convoy made it’s way into the old-hospital grounds, where their passengers disembarked,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


The smallest of the small, were given special attention, to help any frayed nerves,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


The new premises would offer much more space for Human and animal alike, putting to good use a historic building ,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


As Dominion Post journalist, Kate Chapman wrote on 5 December, last year,

There are now stainless benches and crisp white walls where previously there was junk and graffiti. A “dog house” building has been erected, along with a new fence to help keep animals within the grounds. Cupboards are ready for use and workers are busy with the final pieces of work – including painting and preparing to install cages.

“We’ll be working right up till the time we move in,” chief executive Iain Torrance said yesterday.

The laundry has been deliberately left half-finished, to help retain the heritage look and show how the hospital used to be.


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Eventually, the ‘stars’ of the day, the March of Puppies, arrived, much to the delight of the crowd (off camera) watching,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


It had been a long walk, and both four-footed and two footed were looking forward to cool drinks and inspecting their new home,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Nearly there…


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


And finally arrived at their new ‘digs’,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Human companion and ‘Misty’, patiently waiting to enter her new home,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Meanwhile, Wellington mayor and invited guest, Celia Wade-Brown was on-hand to watch the move and see for herself how the City’s investment was being put to good use. She stood with SPCA chief executive, Iain Torrance, as the walkers went by,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Iain gave Celia a guided tour of the facilities, pointing out each new feature and where specific work would be carried out by staff and community volunteers,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


In between showing Celia through the facilities, this blogger spoke to Celia and Iain. I asked them both for their views and thoughts on the day.

Celia made no effort to hide her enthusiasm for the partnership project between Council and SPCA,

I’m delighted to see the dogs and cats and other animals coming up here. This fever hospital has been empty for ages and this such a superb partnership. It’s going to be a great place to take the dogs for  walks and Iain’s just been telling me about the dog-friendly cafe.  I think whether you’ve got a dog or not, this is a great place to walk to.”

Iain Torrance, the SPCA’s chief executive was equally excited about the new premises and soon-to-be-opened public cafe,

By Easter we’re looking to get a cafe set up right here behind us. So this is all about bringing the public back into a community site. It’s got a community location for the community to use. So this’ll bring a whole lot of people up here. They walk their dogs here anyway, and this will use the whole town belt, so they can  come in, make use of the building, and actually come and have a look at the dogs and cats and all the other animals available for adoption. But bring your own pet along as well!


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Meanwhile, the puppies and dogs were being settled in to their little “apartment” cubicles by their Human companions,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


A well earned rest by both Human volunteers, and their companion-animal charges,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Though ‘Misty‘ had her own area outside,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


There was plenty of love and dedication shown by staff and volunteers alike, for their animal charges. It was evident that these animals were in good hands, and well tended to,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


It’s a shame that the same cannot be said for all our companion animals outside of the fences of the SPCA.

This event also marked the positive aspect of local bodies engaging with community organisations and investing ratepayer’s money in worthy projects. If anything demonstrated that Councils have a role other than rubbish, roads, and reticulation – this partnership between the SPCA and ratepayers was a clear example.

So next time some politician in the Beehive complains that local bodies should focus on just “the basics” – remember that life and the communities we live in consist of more than just “the basics”.

Enjoying more than just “the basics” is what makes our country; our cities; our neigbourhoods generally the envy of the world. Though there is certainly much more we can do to improve the lot of many of our fellow New Zealanders – whether on two feet or four.

It’s not often that this blogger gets to write a positive story – but this is one of those pleasurable moments. So, a big bouquet to Wellington’s mayor, councillors, and the staff and volunteers at the SPCA.




Job well done.

This blogpost was first published on The Daily Blog on 8 January 2014.





The SPCA is still seeking public assistance to help pay for the up-grades and renovations at their new complex. Even contributions of a few dollars will be helpful. So if you can, check out the Donations page. Every little bit helps!






Fairfax media: SPCA’s new home among the ghosts

Fairfax media: SPCA Move to New Home at Fever Pitch

Fairfax media: Wellington SPCA Moves To New Home


Live Journal: Fever Hospital – Wellington, NZ

Donate: SPCA Page

Facebook: Wellington SPCA

Historic Places Trust: Fever Hospital (Former)

Copyright (c)  Notice

All images are freely available to be used, with following provisos,

  •     Use must be for non-commercial purposes.
  •     At all times, images must be used only in context, and not to denigrate individuals or groups.
  •     Acknowledgement of source is requested.



= fs =

Categories: On A Lighter Note, Social Issues Tags:

March of the Puppies – It’s “moving day” for Wellington’s SPCA! (part tahi)

15 January 2014 1 comment




NZ, Wellington, 22 December 2013 – On Sunday 22 December, it was moving day for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA),


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


They had outgrown their cramped premises at Riddiford Street, Newtown, in suburban Wellington and were moving to more spacious ‘digs’ at the old “Fever Hospital” in Mt Victoria.

The old premises had once upon a time been a hospital for TB sufferers; influenza patients;  and other infectious diseases. The buildings are  listed with a Category 2 classification  with the Historic Places Trust.

The full upgrading project has cost nearly $10 million, according to Dominion Post reporter, Kate Chapman.

Having been earthquake strengthened and refurbished by Wellington City Council, the premises were occupied by it’s new two and four-legged residents in a mass move, one sunny Saturday afternoon.

Animals were led out, some walking under their own power,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Others were assisted out, by their human companions,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Several SPCA vehicles were on hand to transport those that would be driven to their new home, about two kilometres away,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Strangely enough, few of the animals seemed stressed or outwardly worried and appeared to be content with the goings-on around them,




The Bunny Family were not forgotten, gently helped into their carry-cages for the move,




One good thing about transporting animals – you won’t hear “are we there yet?’ umpteen dozen times.

The puppies and mature dogs were brought out, each on a leash, and each guided and cared for by their respective companion human,




This wee chap wasn’t so keen on the shift, and was given the personalised, deluxe service,




Once outside, they were keen and eager to hit the road,




As the vehicles filled, the courtyard became an assembly point for Human and companion animal alike that would walk the journey,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Some were more exuberant than others, at hitting the road,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


And some just chilled, enjoying the afternoon summer sun,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


A final strategy conference amongst the group…


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


… and the march of puppies began,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


With the water-bearer close by, for anyone needing a quick drink of  refreshing water along the way,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


The procession made it’s way down the long drive, out toward the road. Companion animals seemed to lead the way for their Human friends,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


And finally out onto the road, there was something of a “Biblical” nature as Human and animal headed off to their “Promised Land“,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Humans, meanwhile, busied themselves with lining up the SPCA vehicles, also ready for the final move. Somewhere, in my head, I could hear a certain musical tune, and a deep, American voice, announcing,

This here’s the Rubber Duck, I think we got ourselves a con-voy!”


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


The marchers, moving steadily up Constable Street. The puppies and dogs had probably not had such a long walk for ages,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Crossing busy intersections,


SPCA - puppy march - Wellington - 22 December 2013


Halfway to their destination, their new homes awaited.

To be concluded at: March of the Puppies – It’s “moving day” for Wellington’s SPCA!  (part rua)

This blogpost was first published on The Daily Blog on 8 January 2014.





Fairfax media: SPCA’s new home among the ghosts

Fairfax media: SPCA Move to New Home at Fever Pitch

Fairfax media: Wellington SPCA Moves To New Home


Live Journal: Fever Hospital – Wellington, NZ

Donate: SPCA Page

Facebook: Wellington SPCA

Historic Places Trust: Fever Hospital (Former)

Copyright (c)  Notice

All images are freely available to be used, with following provisos,

  •     Use must be for non-commercial purposes.
  •     At all times, images must be used only in context, and not to denigrate individuals or groups.
  •     Acknowledgement of source is requested.



= fs =

Categories: On A Lighter Note, Social Issues Tags: