Home > The Body Politic > Letter to the Editor – Transparency in government – do we have it or not?!

Letter to the Editor – Transparency in government – do we have it or not?!


Frank Macskasy - letters to the editor - Frankly Speaking


from: Frank Macskasy
to: Dominion Post <letters@dompost.co.nz>
date: Fri, Aug 22, 2014
subject: Letters to the Editor


The Editor
Dominion Post


Some National Party supporters are keen to over-look allegations of wrong-doing and dirty politics in Nicky Hager’s book.

They say they want to “get back to real issues”.
Well, I hate to be the one to break it to them, but trust and integrity in a government is probably the most critical “real issue” that voters can face.

It is the difference between a First World society of transparent, reliable government – or a Third World banana republic where corruption and self-serving is the norm.


How can we have honest, transparent government if dirty tricks; smear campaigns, and lies are the currency of our elected representatives?

The answer is; we can’t. “Real issues” become untenable if we can’t trust the government at their word to implement them.


Let all voters reflect on that, whatever their partisan beliefs.
-Frank Macskasy


[address and phone number supplied]







Skipping voting is not rebellion its surrender

Above image acknowledgment: Francis Owen/Lurch Left Memes



= fs =

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