Home > Social Issues, The Body Politic > Dodgy polls, dodgy dealings, and a spot of fear-mongering

Dodgy polls, dodgy dealings, and a spot of fear-mongering


Dodgy Polls


The lates Herald-Digipoll paints a depressing  picture for Labour. Or, does it?


Further fall in polls dismissed by Labour - 26.6.2013

Acknowledgement: Radio NZ – Further fall in polls dismissed by Labour


However, the poll is by no means as accurate as some would have us believe,

The real poll to watch is Roy Morgan, which calls cellphones as well as landlines.

The Herald-Digipoll should therefore be treated with a fair measure of scepticism.




Dodgy dealings



Acknowledgement: Peter Francis: undermining family’s campaign for justice was my low point


Anyone who believes that expansion of GCSB’s surveillance powers would target only “subversives” should read the above article from The Guardian. Read it in full.

And take note of who the UK Police labelled as “subversives”.

Never underestimate the willingness and  ability of state agencies to pry and interfere in our lives – especially  when those state agencies feel threatened.

The State does not “love” us.

The State is a multi-faceted entity that may help us one day – and spy or threaten us the next.

The story of former police officer  Peter Francis should serve as a clear warning to everyone that the power of the State can be easily mis-used, and is best kept on a short leash.

I am therefore incredulous that the GCSB – which broke the law by illegally spying on 88 New Zealanders, is now about to have that law-breaking legalised, and spying over us all, legitimised. This is practically rewarding criminal behaviour.

Now Winston Peters is flirting with the Nats by offering to support the Government Communications Security Bureau and Related Legislation Amendment Bill – with “safeguards”.



Peters is not in the least interested in safeguarding the rights of New Zealanders. He is interested only in destroying political opposition (the United Party) and safe-guarding his own interests and position at the next election as “king maker”.

I wonder if Me Peters will be willing to explain to his audiences why he is considering expanding the powers of the GCSB, thereby sending us further down the road of becoming a Surveillance State.

NZ First must vote down the Government Communications Security Bureau and Related Legislation Amendment Bill. Otherwise, he may regret having this stain on his political career.

Mr Peters, just say,








When a politician starts to engage in naked fear-mongering to panic the masses into supporting whatever dodgy agenda they’re engaged in – it’s time to start worrying.

Evidently, according to John Key,  the entire country is in dire  need of “protection” from unseen, unknown  evil villains,

“By the way, very senior Labour members within that caucus understand completely the importance of national security and of keeping New Zealanders safe and the very question they might have to ask themselves if one day there was a equivalent of the Boston bombings in New Zealand would they be the very same members who would stand up and say they prevented New Zealanders from being kept as safe as they otherwise could be.”

Acknowledgement: NZ Herald – Spy bill: ‘This isn’t playtime’ – Key

That’s on top of Key’s other utterances.

On weapons of mass destruction,

“There have been covert attempts to acquire New Zealand science and technology for programmes relating to weapons of mass destruction or weapons delivery systems”

Acknowledgement: NZ Herald: PM’s hacking claims a distraction – Labour

On foreign terrorism (with domestic support),

“There are people within our country who have links to offshore terrorist groups.  Those links range from helping to fund terrorist groups through to an attraction to their extremist activities.”


“While the terrorism threat in New Zealand has remained low, there are people within our country who have links to off-shore terrorist groups.”

Acknowledgement: TVNZ – Key reveals WMD cyber terrorism threat to NZ

I wonder if those “off-shore terrorist groups” comprise of Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd, PETA,  et al?

On cyber espionage,

“And the many other threats to our national security have continued to intensify, these include cyber-attacks against Government and private organisations where information is at risk, and the intellectual property of some of our smartest and most innovative New Zealanders is at risk.”

Acknowledgement: IBID

But it’s all ok, according to Key, who resorts to the “You-Have-Nothing-To-Fear” rhetoric,

“With regards to the three main functions, the Act will be amended to make clear the GCSB can use its powers when undertaking activities in all of these areas, subject to controls and conditions.”

“Controls and Conditions”?!

We’ve already had “controls and conditions” under the current GCSB law, which stated quite clearly* that the Bureau was not legally permitted to spy on New Zealand citizens and permanent residents.

Nevertheless, that still didn’t stop them  from spying on 88 New Zealanders and permanent residents.

Acknowledgement: NewstalkZB – Threats of cyber espionage and terrorism

“What actually happens with national security is protecting the interests of New Zealanders, and if people aren’t doing something wrong, then it’s very unlikely they would be falling within the remit of the GCSB’s activities.”

Acknowledgement: Otago Daily Times – Key goes on offensive over GCSB

Really? “If people aren’t doing something wrong, then it’s very unlikely they would be falling within the remit of the GCSB’s activities.”?!?!

The families spied on by Peter Francis and other UK police [see above: Dodgy dealings] might feel differently, Mr Prime Minister.

Fear-mongering – a despicable way to convince the public for the need to change a law.



Section 14 of the Government Communications Security Bureau Act 2003 states;

14 Interceptions not to target domestic communications
  • Neither the Director, nor an employee of the Bureau, nor a person acting on behalf of the Bureau may authorise or take any action for the purpose of intercepting the communications of a person (not being a foreign organisation or a foreign person) who is a New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident.



= fs =

  1. mcclairy
    26 June 2013 at 3:22 pm

    The Boston Bomber threat from the PM was a laugh out loud moment……this is li’l ole Nzzzzz, the last outpost of the now defunct British Empire. The only bomber I know is a well respected journalist and blogger. Now there is a trigger word, bomber, that GCSB will be noting on a piece of paper…..be very afraid 🙂 🙂
    As I keep saying it would be hard to find anyone in the world population of billions to either have heard of NZ or know where it is on a map. By continuing to maintain the Waihopai and Tangimoana Echelon spy domes, now that could make us a target if we want to go down the paranoid rabbit hole. We are not waging wars of terror around the world, illegal wars based on lies, wanting full spectrum dominance and control of the world’s resources and when 3 planes fly over and a couple of NZ Navy ships float up the harbour we all clap and tell everyone to come and spot our Navy and Air Force, blink and you miss them.
    Key has delusions of grandeur, a would be if he could be, a small frog in a large puddle, but nevertheless ambitious to be up there with the big boys. Jeeze Wayne !!! A Roger Hall play, Gliding Up And On To Washington.

    • Theodore
      27 June 2013 at 12:36 pm


      Well said mcclairy.

  2. 28 June 2013 at 8:53 am

    Roy Morgan was slightly more accurate than the Herald DigiPoll. -Frank

    Two polls, two governments

  3. 29 June 2013 at 10:20 am

    yes i smell a rat as far as winston goes .he does love being king maker .

  4. 3 July 2013 at 2:18 pm

    Hi Frank

    I decided I’d put together a matrix of all public poll methodologies, because there is a lot of information out there but it’s not all in one place. It’s still a work in progress as there are a few things I don’t yet know/can’t find out. Let me know of any more info I can add to fill in the gaps – I’ll update it (with full credit to you of course).

    Here’s the link: grumpollie.wordpress.com/nz-public-poll-methods-grid/


    • 3 July 2013 at 4:14 pm

      Well done, Andrew. If I find anything that might be useful to you, I’ll email you. 🙂

  1. 26 June 2013 at 9:45 pm
  2. 12 December 2013 at 8:00 am
  3. 13 July 2014 at 8:01 am

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