
–  Joe Citizen




A second term of National will see asset sales; growing disparity between the rich and poor; more borrowing; low growth and job creation; more beneficiary-bashing; cut-backs to state social services; and a possible coalition with ACT that will unleash even more extreme right wing policies.

There is only one way to stop a second term of this government: by voting.

It’s as simple as that: voting.

Politics, when reduced to it’s most basic, is about numbers. And the number of voters counts. We need to increase those numbers.

Is there someone who dislikes the current government but is not registered? Or has not thought of  voting? Or has just turned 18?

If every Labour, Green, NZ First, and Mana Party supporter finds just one person and encourages that person to vote, we can double our chances for a new government.

Yourself   +1.

+1 – pass it on.

+1 – doubles our chances.

You, +1


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Categories: The Body Politic Tags:
  1. 16 November 2011 at 2:56 pm

    You are right about this – right about the right!

  2. Gosman
    16 November 2011 at 3:34 pm

    Ummm… what happens if the person you convince to vote votes either Act, National, or Maori party?

    Aside from than a glaring flaw in your plan I agree with the sentiment about encouraging people to vote. It is the duty if a citizen in a democratic country.

    • 16 November 2011 at 3:55 pm

      That’s their call, if they want to vote for another Party.

  3. 19 November 2011 at 7:01 pm

    Sorry, but what a piece of rubbish – making completely invalid statements with nothing to back them up.

    The real story is if Labour and the Greens get in they borrow like crazy and send our country and our economy crashing to the depths of Hell to join Greece, Iceland, and fairly shortly Italy.

    You clearly don’t have a clue what you’re talking about – just like the rubbish you spout on the stuff.co.nz pages – your comment on the Wellington Airport dividend the other day was a right pearler from someone who clearly doesn’t understand dividends or how asset ownership.

  4. fmacskasy
    19 November 2011 at 7:09 pm

    Hi Seth, welcome to my Blog…

    “The real story is if Labour and the Greens get in they borrow like crazy and send our country and our economy crashing to the depths of Hell to join Greece, Iceland, and fairly shortly Italy.”

    Really? You mean like the $18.4 billion that National has already borrowed and is continuing to bow at a rate of $380 million a week?

    Perhaps you should have had a look at my piece on Labour’s track record, “Labour: the Economic Record 2000 – 2008”. You may notice that Labour not only paid down sovereign debt, but also posted regular surpluses. So much for your invalid statements without anything to back them up. I invite you to look at that article – it may actually surprise you how wrong you are.

    As for your reference to NZ “crashing to the depths of Hell to join Greece, Iceland, and fairly shortly Italy” – again, uunsubstantiated rhetoric. Even our current Prime Minister has stated that NZ is in considerably better position than the PIIGS nations.

    “You clearly don’t have a clue what you’re talking about – just like the rubbish you spout on the stuff.co.nz pages – your comment on the Wellington Airport dividend the other day was a right pearler from someone who clearly doesn’t understand dividends or how asset ownership.”

    Well, actually, I do. And I generally back up my statements with a bit of research. I invite you to do likewise instead of just easy-to-spout cliches. You do your party (National? ACT?) no favours with this kind of hysterical shot-gun approach.

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