
Posts Tagged ‘credit rating downgrade’

DJ Key talks cats, not tax on radio show – NOT a joke!

30 September 2011 1 comment

This is why our Prime Minister is on a salary of $400,500 – so he can talk about cats.





This is a good thing, no doubt. After all, who wants to talk about the state of the economy; high unemployment; lack of jobs; the impending second international economic melt-down; asset sales; sale of farmland to overseas investors; etc?

Them is boring stuff, fellas. Here in Nyu Zild, we is kat luvers.



Question to those 50% of New Zealand voters who think that John Key actually knows what the heck he is doing: why?!

I do not get it.

The man has his hands of the economic tiller; we are drifting without any substantial job-creation policies; he plans to sell half our electricity companies to Americans, Chinese, and god-knows-who-else – and some of my fellow Kiwis still want to vote for him???

As John McEnroe once exclaimed to his world-wide audience; “You cannot be serious!!!

That’s all, peeps. Back to your rugby, or penguins, or whatever…

