Home > The Body Politic > An Open Message to the GCSB, SIS, NSA, and Uncle Tom Cobbly…

An Open Message to the GCSB, SIS, NSA, and Uncle Tom Cobbly…




Just to let any spooks who may be monitoring my blogging activities;

  1. I don’t know who “Anonymous NZ” is – but they have my 101% support.
  2. Expect public resistance to state surveillance to grow.
  3. I encourage all GCSB and SIS operatives here in NZ (and abroad) to take Edward Snowden’s lead and to disclose information to the media.

All around the world, people are waking up to the growth of secret surveillance and other State power. And they don’t like it. Not one bit.

So, Mr and Ms X from the GCSB, SIS, NZ Defence Force, Police, etc – whose side will you be on?

It seems that someone within the NZ Defence Force has had their conscience pricked. They can no longer stomach the deceit and threat to democracy that is going on within our military;


Ex-Defence boss - Journalists not the 'enemy'

Source: NZ Herald – Ex-Defence boss: Journalists not the ‘enemy


Whoever leaked the NZDF Security Manual is nothing less than a hero of the people. This person – whoever she or he is – has an allegiance and loyalty far greater than to a state organisation – Mr/Ms X is loyal to their fellow New Zealanders.

Heroes like Bradley Manning and  Edward Snowden.

I implore workers at our spy agencies, and NZDF; draw aside the curtains of secrecy. The sunlight of public attention, as they say, is the best disinfectant of all. Let that leak become a torrent of information.

If history has demonstrated anything, it is that State power is fleeting and cannot withstand the will of the people. Whether it is the dismantling of the apartheid regime in South Africa; the fall of repressive dictatorships in Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya; or the collapse of the USSR – state power cannot endure where it does not have the respect of the people.

To the workers at the GCSB, SIS, et al,  – tear down this “house of cards”;  show the people whose side you are on. Will you prop up a  self-serving government of manipulative liars that fears and distrusts the people?

Or will you let your conscience guide you to do the decent thing.

Otherwise – why did we bother to fight nazism all those many years ago? What was the point of many sacrifices made to preserve our freedoms from the power of the State?

Why indeed.

Our grandparents fought oppression with guns, bombs, and bullets.

Today, we must rely on something else, even more powerful. Our consciences.



= fs =

  1. 2 August 2013 at 9:06 pm

    Unbelievable shit. The GCSB breaks the law by spying on 88 New Zealanders. So Key rewards them by giving them more powers. Then Key’s henchman goes snooping into the private calls, emails, and movements of Dunne and Andrea Vance. And now he wants the GCSB to spy on us all?????

    Fuck me, and the latest Roy Morgan poll still has Key at 50%???

    On top of which, Dunne is still going to support the spy bills despite himself being spied on???

    Have my countrymen gone stark raving mad???

    This is like a bad nightmare.

  2. Jax Taylor
    3 August 2013 at 10:22 am

    Could not have put it better than ALH..
    Woke this morning and pinched myself hard again too.. The bruise is BLUE and yellow..
    We have to get Banks and Dunne out of play
    ..Can someone please ask KimDotcom to find all the metadata on Banks BEFORE the vote and before his next appearance in the District court!
    Watching that smug little prick on the news last night made my skin crawl.. Jax

  1. 27 April 2015 at 5:38 am
  2. 1 May 2015 at 8:01 am
  3. 4 October 2015 at 9:04 am
  4. 9 October 2015 at 8:02 am
  5. 13 March 2016 at 11:23 am
  6. 18 March 2016 at 8:01 am
  7. 22 March 2016 at 8:06 am
  8. 22 March 2016 at 7:16 pm
  9. 25 March 2017 at 8:03 am
  10. 22 March 2019 at 8:01 am

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