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Whaleoil Goes Porno


Something stinky this way comes


Whaleoil – a rightwing blog by right wing extremist, Cameron Slater,  has always had something of a dubious reputation. Terms such as “sleaze” and “gutter politics” are often associated with, and used in the same sentence as, Whaleoil.

Slater’s dirty tricks reached a nadir last year when on 13 March 2012, he wrote  this blogpost revealing and detailing the private tragedy of a Ports of Auckland (POAL) worker, Mr Cecil Walker,


whaleoil know your wharfies


POAL was, at the time, engaged in a bitter industrial dispute with maritime workers, and had reached depths of enmity and dirty tricks by Port management unseen since the 1951 Waterside Lockout.  It was also later established that the information regarding the POAL worker had been illegally leaked by  a POAL company staffmember, for Slater to publish (see:  Port admits leaking worker’s details – union).

Whaleoil not only actively championed the Board and management of POAL in an industrial dispute, and recklessly mis-used personal information that had been illegally provided – but it turns out that Slater was being paid to run blogposts, without declaring a pecuniary interest to his readers.

[Blogger’s note: To clear up any mis-understanding (and deliberate deflection from Slater) there is no evidence (yet) that POAL was one of Slater’s clients. His anti-worker/union hate-posts may’ve been a “freebie”. ]

As Martyn Bradbury reported on his blogsite, Tumeke,

Which brings us to todays extraordinary confession on Media 3 this morning by Cameron Slater. Russell Brown landed a square blow to Slater’s jaw by asking him directly if he took money to write blogs, Slater’s response that he did and his puerile justification that spin drs want attention so he gives it to them for a fee was possibly the new gutter low for the NZ blogosphere.


… yet he has the audacity to try and defend his actions by saying to people (and I’m paraphrasing the defense he has given to others) ‘his audience values him not for journalism, but for saying things they agree with, and therefore there’s no conflict between taking a slice of a PR or spin agency’s fee to do part of their job for them’.

This is pure sophistry.

Shouldn’t Slater’s readers know when Slater is offering his opinion and when he’s being paid to spin? To claim they are coming to him not because he tells the truth but because he tells them what they want to hear and offer that as a justification is about as deceptive as you can get.

Now we know he takes PR money to spin, shouldn’t Cam be honest with his readers and identify the issues he’s purposely manipulated?

See: Cameron Slater admits to taking PR money for blogs

Now for the latest installment from Cameron Slater – porn merchant. As posted yesterday (2 Feb),


whaleoil poll ink or no ink


Sourse: Whaleoil -Ink or No Ink

And this is the same Cameron Slater who derides Opposition MPs; left wing activists; workers; Unionists, etc,  for alleged lack of ethics?

Being slated by an extremist right wing blogger and  porn-merchant just invites scorn and  mirthful derision.

Mind you, along with being the new editor of  ‘The Truth‘…




… I guess it completes his CV.

*Updated  4 February*





This blogger receives no funding of any description for writing this blog. (If, however, there are any rich Warren Buffet-types out there – let’s talk.)



= fs =

  1. 3 February 2013 at 5:26 pm

    Frank, in between stealing dead babies names and making shit up you might like to correct a defamatory statement you have made. I did not and have not ever received any payment or anything else from POAL…ever….there are others but that one is the most outrageous claim, the others you are simply repeating the lies of Martyn Bradbury…and as you are now likely spreading this link around with gay abandon as you are want to do…well…you might like to correct that.

    • Theodore
      3 February 2013 at 6:38 pm

      WTF? You got a bit of a thin skin there, Cam? ROFLMAO!! You dish it out far worse on that cesspit of yours and you have the gall to complain when someone says something that’s a teeny weeny bit upsetting? Oh dear boy, sit down and have a rest.

    • Priss
      3 February 2013 at 9:14 pm

      So Cameron how is ex-Act MP David Garrett these days? You two seem to be thick as thieves on your blog

    • AlistairN
      3 February 2013 at 10:30 pm

      rewriting hootendribble he now calls ‘editor’

      fuck me

  2. Matthew Hatton
    3 February 2013 at 5:47 pm

    Reading comprehension owns you Cameron. It does not say, anywhere, that you took money from POAL, just that you took money to write blogs. You do take money to write blogs, don’t you Cameron?

    • 3 February 2013 at 10:26 pm

      “but it turns out that Slater was being paid to run blogposts, without declaring a pecuniary interest to his readers.”

      looks like you are the one who failed reading comprehension

      • Matthew
        5 February 2013 at 11:59 am

        And that mentions POAL where? Frank states that you championed POAL in an industrial dispute (true) & you took money to write blogs (also true, by your own admission). It does NOT say ‘Took money to champion POAL in an industrial dispute’. So your assertion that this blog makes claims you took money from POAL is false.

  3. 3 February 2013 at 5:56 pm


    Firstly, welcome to my blog.

    Second, I never said you took payment from POAL. I wrote,

    “Whaleoil not only actively championed the Board and management of POAL in an industrial dispute, and recklessly mis-used personal information that had been illegally provided – but it turns out that Slater was being paid to run blogposts, without declaring a pecuniary interest to his readers.”

    What was that about making things up?

    • James
      3 February 2013 at 7:21 pm

      While it pains me to support Slater in any way, that paragraph is quite ambiguous as the subject of the paragraph is Slater’s support for POAL.

  4. 3 February 2013 at 5:57 pm

    And as Matthew asked,

    ” You do take money to write blogs, don’t you Cameron?”

  5. Alastair
    3 February 2013 at 6:45 pm

    Yes, but you still haven’t answered the question as to whether you prefer the ink or not.

    • mick
      3 February 2013 at 10:50 pm

      every time I see Slater on tv I think …”have a fricking shower guy “… just me .

    • 4 February 2013 at 1:59 am

      Alastair – can I opt for crayon instead? 😀

      • mick
        4 February 2013 at 7:46 am

        good call Frank.

  6. Jane E
    3 February 2013 at 7:16 pm

    Good to see you exposing another gutter blogger Frank – with so many companies now paying journos to become social web manipulators it is good to have a watchgod in the ranks. (god was a freudian but fitting slip).

  7. whakapohane
    3 February 2013 at 7:35 pm

    That stupid picture is hardly what I’d call porn, Frank. In fact, it’s possibly the closest to anything tasteful that has ever been published in that vile cesspit.
    Given Slater’s response, I’d guess that he has the thinnest skin in the blogosphere, which explains why he’s always in full attack mode. Sooner or later, he’ll become an embarassment to his masters and the blog payments will stop. Then we’ll really see him scream, and find out who’s stopped paying when he turns on them.

  8. Akldnut
    3 February 2013 at 9:57 pm

    Frank, firstly without thread-jacking I’d like to know what Blubber Boys talking about with “in between stealing dead babies names?” (I thought only Garrett did that shit) and secondly I think you’re playing with semantics and casting aspersions after Whale Boy has clearly denied (numerous times that he took no money for sleighting Cecil Walker. Many people get paid whilst offering some of the same services for free.

    • 3 February 2013 at 10:31 pm

      2006 NZ Herald – http://bit.ly/XQdxWb

      • Theodore
      • samwise
        4 February 2013 at 8:05 am

        Hypocrite much, Cam?
        You’re practically best mates with David Garrett and the guy contributes reagularly to your blogposts.But his past doesn’t seem to bother you does it?

        If Frank has shown anything with his blogpost it’s not that your blog is sleazy but your rank hypocrisy. Also that you’re not above breaking the law yourself when it suits you and you haven’t the excuse of youthful stupidity that Frank and Garrett have.

        Revealing the identities of sexual abuse victims just to promote your blog. That’s LOW Cam.

    • Theodore
      3 February 2013 at 11:46 pm

      Frank’s post was reasonably clear and not playing at any semantics game. He never claimed Whaleblubber took money for commenting or casting aspersions on Cecil Walker. ass far as I can see you’ve raised it as an issue.

      As for many people getting paid for their services, I think the problem here is that Slater never declared that side of his blogging. Having read Bradbury’s post, it seems our Whaleboy has been moonlighting as a spin doctor and not declaring he was paid for it.

    • 4 February 2013 at 1:38 am

      Akld – without getting into thread-drift (which is what Slater is attempting here), yes, I’ve had a dark past, about 30 years ago. Something I left behind with a lot of fast growing up, and support from good people. It’s also where I learnt one valuable lesson, that we are not islands and have to rely on each other.

      As for Slater denying “that he took no money for sleighting Cecil Walker” – no one is suggesting that.

      However, the question remains – and which Slater is studiously avoiding: has he been paid by PR companies for writing blogposts, along certain lines, without declaring a pecuniary interest?

  9. Athena-Margarita
    3 February 2013 at 11:59 pm

    Very sad. That is why Truth wanted him.

  10. 4 February 2013 at 1:42 am

    Cameron Slater :

    2006 NZ Herald – http://bit.ly/XQdxWb

    *rolls eyes* Clumsy bit of deflection there, Cam. Google is everyone’s friend.

    Now let’s get back to the question; have you been paid by PR companies to run certain lines?

    C’mon, mate, it’s a simple question: Yes/No.

    And when you come up with that answer, you can then answer the following;

    1. Why didn’t you declare on your blog that you were writing blogposts for cash?

    2. Which blogposts were written-for-pay?

    3. Who were the PR companies involved?

    Simple questions. And they should be easy to answer.

  11. JR Murphy
    4 February 2013 at 6:52 am

    I’ve got a great poem called Journalists are Maggots, chalked it outside the Dom Post on occasion, the last line says their bosses they’re blow flies. So I’ve named Whaleoil a “moaning greasy blow fly” and comment on his posts & tweets whenever it is needed – he hates it.

  12. Robert
    4 February 2013 at 8:09 am

    Why are you writing a story about this Frank? I’m offended that you:
    1) think Cameron Slater is news
    2) have wasted a link back to his site (FFS that IS a no follow link…right?)
    3) have rss feeds pushing this story far and wide
    4) allow his toxic comments on your site – do any of your regular readers give a shit what he thinks about what you say?? Certainly I don’t and I see no reason to be fair. He’s a prick. End of story.

    Piss off Cam, The Standard has a better following than you ever will.

  13. Priss
    4 February 2013 at 10:11 am

    No response from him. Gutless wonder.

    • Strawberry Paddocks
      5 February 2013 at 10:02 am

      +1 Priss

  14. Clive @ large
    4 February 2013 at 11:47 am

    Be careful Frank. Slater can be vicious when confronted.

  15. 5 February 2013 at 8:29 am

    If Blubber had a brain cell, we would have to call it a space invader.

  16. nznative
    5 February 2013 at 12:54 pm

    Whale blubber gave me a good laugh when it turned out he was scamming and bludging of his insurance company while working at building his profile and career.

    His blog is an open sewer along the lines of kiwiblog and in moments of confusion I’ve thought that the fat ugly slater was a bastard love child who crawled out from David Farrars bowels, sort of the polar opposite of an immaculate conception ……

    Slaters latest revelation about himself is how he once posted that Paul Holmes used to buy street drugs ……….. and now he’s bitching about people mentioning Holmes drinking.

    If I was Cameron Slater I’d be depressed about what a nasty ass hole I am too ……

  17. samwise
    5 February 2013 at 1:25 pm

    Frank, I appreciate your honesty here. You could easily have removed Whaleboy’s references to your past or even just denied him posting-privileges. I think many of us have a past of one sort or another. Mine is that 40 years ago I drank and drove and hurt someone. I haven’t touched a drop since and whenever I see someone who’s been drinking about to drive, I grab the car keys.

    It’s what we do to pick ourselves up and change for the better that counts in the end

  18. Tom Sawyer
    5 February 2013 at 5:50 pm

    Slater, you’re a disgrace. Only the Nats would have anything to do with someone like you.

    Frank, I agree with Robert above. Your blog is better than writing about freaks like this grubby little toad.

    • robglennie000
      6 February 2013 at 12:01 pm

      Kia Ora

      Frank, ignore Cameron Slater. He just wants your oxygen supply, because his blog is too low to create its own.



      • Priss
        6 February 2013 at 3:50 pm


  19. samwise
    5 February 2013 at 10:17 pm

    Tom Sawyer :

    Slater, you’re a disgrace. Only the Nats would have anything to do with someone like you.

    Frank, I agree with Robert above. Your blog is better than writing about freaks like this grubby little toad.


    Well said Tom.

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