
Archive for 26 June 2012

An Open Letter to Peter Dunne…

26 June 2012 7 comments

Shame on you.




= fs =

Categories: The Body Politic

Is John Key showing desperation on asset sales?


From Dear Leader to Desperate Leader?


John Key


As pressure continues to grow on John Key to abandon the hugely unpopular state asset sales, his outbursts are becoming more farcical and shrill by the day.

On Newstalk ZB, Key criticised the Green Party for using $75,000 of its taxpayer-funded leaders’ budget to hire staff to collect signatures towards a citizens initiated referendum. He said,

These are the people that said they don’t have enough money to pay for (deaf MP) Mojo Mathers’ technology in Parliament but have enough money for a citizens initiated referendum.  This is a politically-motivated referendum.

See:  Mixed Ownership Model Bill’s final reading

Hear:  NewstalkZB – Prime Minister John Key: June 25

Three points;

  • If John Key wants to go head-to-head on the issue of wasting taxpayers’ money, this blogger is more than happy to supply a list of National’s track record in mis-using and/or wasting our taxes.
  • If what the Green Party is doing is illegal or contrary to Parliamentary Services rules, then why hasn’t John Key laid a formal complaint? If it breaks the rules, then by not taking action he is being complicit in any alleged “wrong doing”.
  • John Key has sunk to an all time low by linking a person’s disability  to attempting to paint an opposition Party as somehow acting “inappropriatley”.  Using a person’s disability to smear an opponant? Low blow, Mr Prime Minister.

This is the ghost of  Muldoonism rearing it’s ugly head from the 1970s.  But more importantly, as pressure continues to be exerted on Key, his true personality will become more apparent to the public.

As we saw in October last year, when a man  attempted to jump from the Parliamentary gallery, to the debating  floor below, Key’s “throat-slitting” gesture was an insight into his vindictiveness,


[click on image for redirection to TV3 video]


Following on, Dear Leader next appeared on TVNZ’s  “Breakfast TV” (25 June), where he uttered this extraordinary comment,

The Green Party… they were the people who led the smacking debate. “

See: John Key, TVNZ Breakfast TV

Why, yes indeed, Mr Prime Minister.

It was also the very same debate and ensuing legislation that was supported by Labour, The Greens, and – the National Party!! The National Party voted for that legislation to be passed through the House.

John Key should know this: he was the Leader of the National Party at the time!

Either Dear Leader’s memory is becoming unreliable, or this is another example of his uncanny talent for re-writing history and mis-representing facts. (Ie; lying.)

Keep it up, Dear Leader; it’s high time the public saw you, and your rotten Party, for what you really are.




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