
Posts Tagged ‘Ira Bailey’

A travesty of justice

6 September 2011 13 comments


Anyone who has watched the documentary, “Operation 8: Deep in the Forest“, will hardly be surprised.



This entire affair has been a drawn-out, needless, shambles. It has affected many people and cost huge sums of money for both taxpayers and the victims of these raids.

This was not in any sense “justice”. It was a gross mis-use of State power and a naked travesty of justice. Those responsible should be held to account and only a Commission of Inquiry with a wide terms-of-reference, can determine why this happened.


POLICE RESPONSE: Armed police man a roadblock in Ruatoki Valley during the 2007 'terror' raids.


The victims of these terror-raids (terror, as in causing terror to those who were raided and arrested) who were arrested – and made to waste large sums of money on legal defence and constant, pointless travel to Auckland to attend court appearances that never went anywhere – should now be compensated by the State.

This obscenity should never have happened in our country.




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Listen to Valerie Morse on Checkpoint




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STILL FIGHTING: Tame Iti, left, and Valerie Morse, seen here at an exhibition opening. Iti is still facing charges but the charges against Morse have been dropped.

Full Story


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Full Story


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Full Story


“”They are charged with the responsibility of keeping New Zealanders safe and they have a responsibility to act where they believe that people are at risk.  It’s my view that the police acted because they believed people were at risk.” ”


No, Mr Key. The Police were not acting “because they believed people were at risk.”

The police PUT people at risk with their Gestapo/KGB/Stasi-like raids.

They were terror raids alright – and it was the police who were acting as terrorists.

Apology. Commission of Inquiry. Compensation. It’s as simple as that.


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A further step in the right direction. Let the defendents be judged by their peers. It’s the right thing to do.


