Home > The Body Politic, Various > The Mendacities of Mr Key #4: “Trolls & bottom-feeders”

The Mendacities of Mr Key #4: “Trolls & bottom-feeders”





Key has given Judith Collins “time out” and told her to stay off social media such as Twitter. According to Dear Leader,

“My view is there’s a lot of trolls and bottom-feeders on that and in the end they get in people’s head. It’s an anonymous situation, it’s a form of cyber bullying, I don’t engage in that.”



Judith Collins quits Twitter




Isn’t this the same man who, recently, admitted to regular phone conversations with perhaps the worst troll and sleaziest bottom-feeder in New Zealand cyberspace – Cameron Slater?!


Cameron Slater and John Key


Why, yes, it is!  John Key admitted on 14 February this year that he is in regular phone contact with Whaleoil blogger, troll, and sleaze-merchant bottom-feeder, Cameron Slater.


L-R: Rightwing blogger Cameron Slater & current prime minister, John Key

L-R: Rightwing blogger Cameron Slater & current prime minister, John Key


Isn’t it terrible, the sordid company that one keeps?

Charge: broken promise/deflection/half-truth/hypocrisy/outright lie/mis-information?

Verdict: Hypocrisy




Fairfax media:  Judith Collins quits Twitter

Radio NZ: Key confessions over Whale Oil

Fairfax media: Looks like Slater is Key’s Peters source

NZ Herald: PM hints tip-off came from Cameron Slater

Scoop media: Gutter tactics by John Key staffer backfire

Previous related blogposts

The Mendacities of Mr Key #3: tax cuts



Twitter Judith Collins John Key Oravida

Above image acknowledgment: Francis Owen/Lurch Left Memes

This blogpost was first published on The Daily Blog on 7 May 2014.



= fs =