Home > Social Issues, The Body Politic > Letter to the Editor: playing politics with rape victims, National-style

Letter to the Editor: playing politics with rape victims, National-style




FROM:   "f.macskasy"
SUBJECT: Letters to the editor
DATE:    Thu, 01 May 2014 23:51:54 +1200
TO:     "NZ Herald" <letters@herald.co.nz> 



The editor
NZ Herald


News that Social Development Minister, Paula Bennett, has
agreed to fund the Sexual Violence Sector with $10.4 million
dollars over the next two years is a welcome - if sadly
belated - step.

Two years ago, Rape Crisis in Wellington and  HELP
Foundation in Auckland were forced to cut services and staff
due to a lack of funding.

In 2012, with a $55,000 shortfall, Wellington's Rape Crisis
had to cut services and staff by 20%, and freeze wages of
remaining employees.

In the same year, Auckland's HELP Foundation faced a 
$200,000 funding-shortfall and also had to resort to cutting
counselling and other services such as their 24-hour
rape-crisis helpline. Spokeswoman Aimee Stockenstroom was
quoted as saying,

"Despite working intensely with a range of government
departments right up to the last minute and requests to meet
with Minister Paula Bennett, we have not obtained sufficient
funding to keep the 24-hour telephone crisis line

Now, in election year, this government has "found" $10.4

Which poses several questions;

1. Is this new money - or have other social services been
cut, and money transferred from other much-needed

2. Why was this money not provided when it was most needed
in 2012, where much needed services were cut for women in
dire need?

3. A cynic might say that Bennett has "found" this money in
2014 - an election year. Is it possible that a government
can be so self-serving; so callous; that it plays politics
with rape victims?

And lastly, 

4. What guarantee will there be that after two years, when
the $10.4 million runs out, that various rape counselling
services will not have to go through this funding struggle
all over again?

-Frank Macskasy
[address & phone number supplied]


It’ll be interesting to see if this one gets printed.

Even more interesting if Bennett dares reply to it!




Fairfax media:  Rape crisis line forced to cut staff

Dominion Post: Wellington rape centre forced to cut hours

NZ Herald: Rape crisis centres to get $10m boost

Scoop media: Wgtn Rape Crisis Groups Respond to Sexual Violence Funding



Skipping voting is not rebellion its surrender

Above image acknowledgment: Francis Owen/Lurch Left Memes



= fs =