Home > The Body Politic > Internet Party Candidates announced…

Internet Party Candidates announced…

… and what a cool looking bunch!


Internet Party

left to right: Chris Yong (Party list 2), Miriam Pierard (Party list 3), Laila Harré (Party list 1), Beverley Ballantine (Party list 5), David Currin (Party list 4)


The Internet Party today released their candidates list. Definitely a cosmopolitan, 21st Century-looking group.

In fact, they kinda remind me of another group of adventurous young people, from the BBC fantasy-sf series, Torchwood;




Part of the introductory voice-over narrative of Torchwood could easily be a mission-statement for a modern, 21st Century social democratic, people’s-internet party;

The twenty-first century is when everything changes. And you’ve got to be ready.

What better changes could there be, than the  modernisation of socialism, and the formation  of a newer, sophisticated, more adaptive Left wing?

Everything changes…”




The Daily Blog:  UPDATE – The Internet MANA Party list

Wikipedia: Torchwood


Scoop media: Internet Party Candidates Online to Reboot Government

Party Lists – Election 2014




Above image acknowledgment: Francis Owen/Lurch Left Memes



= fs =

Categories: The Body Politic Tags:
  1. Cheri
    24 February 2014 at 3:26 pm

    They have my vote!

  2. ~xtian
    20 June 2014 at 12:08 am

    Wankers. Nikki Kaye snail mailed me. I threw the envelope in the bin unopened.

  3. Peter Kennedy
    20 June 2014 at 2:46 pm

    Imagine the Labour Party with a line up like this. No, no, no, same old, same old.

  4. Deborah Kean
    20 June 2014 at 3:07 pm

    Paul Henry stole your idea, and showed the Star Trek: TNG cast looking nothing like – but there you are…

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